
ThreetypesofsoundoccurinaUI:sounddesign,music,andvoice.Eachtypecommunicatesinformationandbrandidentityindifferentways.Differenttypesof ...,Soundcanbeappliedtointeractionsbylinkinganaction,orastatechange,toanaudiocue.Thesesoundsarecalledearcons,andtheycanrepresent ...,2022年7月15日—声音(sound).关于声音.声音以改善用户体验的方式传达信息。原则.声音以表达产品个性和美学的方式传达有用的反馈。Inform...

About sound

Three types of sound occur in a UI: sound design, music, and voice. Each type communicates information and brand identity in different ways. Different types of ...

Applying sound to UI

Sound can be applied to interactions by linking an action, or a state change, to an audio cue. These sounds are called earcons, and they can represent ...

Material Design基础- 声音

2022年7月15日 — 声音(sound). 关于声音. 声音以改善用户体验的方式传达信息。 原则. 声音以表达产品个性和美学的方式传达有用的反馈。 Informative

Materials & Texture Sound Effects

Sound effects and recordings of various surfaces, textures, objects and elements – soft, hard, organic, wooden, stone, metallic and lots more.

Sound attributes

Sounds can be designed using tonal or atonal elements, and sometimes a sound will be comprised of both. Tonal sounds work best to communicate personality, ...

Sound choreography

Sound can be choreographed to express hierarchy, relationships, and optimize your product experience.

Sound resources

Download this set of audio files for use in your own product, including sounds for a variety of scenarios: Alerts and notifications; Hero sounds ...

UI UX 設計白皮書 Material Design 導讀_ Day10 Sound 聲音

本圖片截取自Material Design。 在世界上存在著各種不同的聲音,聽覺介面在不同的情境下播放模擬真實世界的聲音,稱之為skeuomorphic 擬真音效,可以讓使用者有身歷其境的 ...

UI UX 設計白皮書 Material Design 導讀_ Day11 Sound 聲音

本圖片截取自Material Design。 · 上方兩種為雙軸繪製特性圖,下方則為單軸繪製特性圖。

UI Sound Design

Material Design. The Material design system explains many type of sounds. These include sound as feedback, as decoration, hero sounds, notifications and much ...

HWiNFO 8.12 功能完善的硬體檢測工具

HWiNFO 8.12 功能完善的硬體檢測工具
